Sidharth Malhotra is all set to star in Ekta Kapoor's Balaji Motion Pictures and Arunabh Kumar's TVF Motion Pictures' upcoming folk thriller. Today, on the auspicious occasion of Chhath Puja, 7th November, the Bollywood actor has shared a powerful motion poster announcing the name of his upcoming film, whose title is 'One – Force of the Forest'. The first post of Siddharth Malhotra's folk thriller film has become viral as soon as it is shared on social media.
One – Force of the Forest
The makers of 'Panchayat' have shared a stunning motion poster announcing their upcoming folk thriller film, Siddharth wrote, 'Very excited to be a part of this folk thriller with a powerhouse team. You all are going to get a great experience of One – Force of the Forest on the big screen in 2025. The film will be released in theaters on Chhath Puja in 2025. Sara Ali Khan has also been signed along with Siddharth. In an interview with India Today, the makers told that One-Force of the Forest will be based on a rural folktale.
one motion poster
Siddharth has shared the teaser of his next project one. It shows the light of a torch and a glimpse of a man walking on a road amidst a dense forest. This road is located outside a temple which is right in the middle of the forest. In the poster, two eyes are visible on either side of the forest.
Forest explosion after Panchayat
The film is scheduled to release in 2025, but the makers have not announced the full cast yet. One – Force of the Forest is directed by Deepak Mishra, who has directed many series like Amazon Prime Video's famous show 'Panchayat' as well as TVF's 'Permanent Roommates'. Talking about work, Siddharth's previous film was 'Yodha' which was released earlier this year.
Image Credit: India_Tv.