Whenever Bollywood's dance diva and beautiful actress Madhuri Dixit is seen among her fans, she leaves no stone unturned to win their hearts. Madhuri Dixit was spotted recently. Last night she was seen in a very stylish style with her husband Dr. Shriram Nene. She looked in full swag in a black shimmery bodycon gown. The actress had made so much preparation to get her new car. Yes, Madhuri Dixit has bought a new car. This is not an ordinary car but a pure luxury. The swag of the actress increased even more by sitting in this car. The video of the new car has also surfaced, which people are watching again and again.
Madhuri Dixit bought this car
Actress Madhuri Dixit and her husband Dr. Shriram Nene both are fond of expensive and luxurious luxury cars. Both of them already have many expensive cars. Now they have added another vehicle to this list. The actress has bought a Ferrari 296 GTS. The price of this high speed sports car is skyrocketing, which is Rs 6 crores. A pap page on Instagram has given a glimpse of this. Madhuri and Shriram Nene were seen coming out of a building together. Madhuri was seen in a black dress while her husband wore a black suit. Both of them got into their beautiful new red car and drove away.
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About Madhuri's new car
Madhuri's new car is a Ferrari 296 GTS Rosso Corsa. This is a two-seater coupe. According to CarWale.com, this vehicle is a convertible car, the price of which starts from Rs 6.24 crore. The automatic car is available in one variant, which has a 2992 cc engine. Ferrari 296 GTS is available in 14 colours. It has rear mid-engine and rear-wheel drive. The actress was last seen in Anees Bazmee's 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3'. 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3' includes actors like Vidya Balan, Trupti Dimri, Rajpal Yadav, Vijay Raaz, Sanjay Mishra, Ashwini Kalsekar and Rajesh Sharma. The upcoming project of the actress has not been revealed yet.
Image Credit: India_Tv.