Bhojpuri superstar singer and actor Khesari Lal Yadav's film 'Raja Ram' was released in theaters on 7 November. People have liked the film a lot. But one song of the film is going viral even after 2 weeks. The song 'Kamariya Lollipop' from this film has made people crazy. This song of the film is a superhit and has been viewed more than 6 million times in 2 weeks. Khesari Lal Yadav and Namrata Malla are also getting a lot of praise in the song.
Namrata Lalla's dance moves praised
This song from Khesali Lal Yadav's film Raja Ram is making the audience dance in their heads. This song has achieved a record of more than 6 million views on YouTube. Along with this, it is also viral on other social media platforms. Khesari Lal Yadav is also being praised a lot in this song. Bhojpuri actress Namrata Lalla, who is called the dancing queen in the song, has also won the hearts of her fans with her dance moves. Namrata Lalla is also called the dancing queen of Bhojpuri industry. Namrata Lalla has won the hearts of the audience with her brilliant acting in this song.
The song started trending as soon as it was released
Let us tell you that Khesari Lal Yadav is a big name in Bhojpuri film industry. Khesari is also known for his strong body and acting along with his songs. Khesari Lal Yadav's film Raja Ram has also been liked by the people. Apart from this, the song Kamariya Lollipop of the film has also created a stir. As soon as its release, this song started trending on YouTube. After trending at number 11, this song also made it to the top 10. Although it is not trending now, this song is viral on social media.
Image Credit: India_Tv.