Veteran Bollywood actress Rekha will be seen on The Great Indian Kapil Show next Saturday. Netflix has already released it. On Saturday, Netflix shared the teaser of Govinda, Shakti Kapoor and Chunky Pandey this weekend. The teaser revealed that Rekha and Kapil Sharma discuss Amitabh Bachchan's Kaun Banega Crorepati. In the video, Kapil shared his experience of participating in KBC. While sharing his personal experience, the comedian mimicked Amitabh Bachchan in front of Rekha. Kapil said, 'We were playing KBC with Bachchan sahib and my mother was sitting in the front row. He asked my mother, 'Devi ji, have you given birth by eating what?' In response to this my mother said that daal roti. After this mimicry of Kapil Sharma, Rekha expressed her feelings and said, 'Ask me, I remember each and every dialogue.'
Rekha will be seen in Netflix show for the first time
Rekha will be seen in a Netflix show for the first time. The actress is seen alone in the show. In other parts of the video, Rekha was seen falling off the sofa laughing during an act put together by Krushna Abhishek and Kiku Sharda. She was also seen performing on stage.
Romantic poetry recited in Kapil's show
Here in Kapil's show, Rekha gets into a bad mood just by laughing. Rekha is also seen reciting romantic poetry in the trailer of this show. Here Rekha also had a lot of fun with other actors of the show. Recently, Govinda, Shakti Kapoor and Chunky Pandey had entered Kapil Sharma's Netflix show. The trio reminisced about their days working together in the early 90s and even announced that they are reuniting for three films.
Image Credit: India_Tv.