Bollywood actress Kajol has congratulated fans by sharing pictures of her children on Children's Day. On this special occasion, Kajol shared beautiful pictures with her son Yug and daughter Nysa and also wrote an emotional note. Kajol shared two pictures with Yug and Nyasa on her Instagram handle and wrote, 'I love children because they have not yet lost their honesty and their love for life. After a point we all have the same goal.. to be free.. isn't it! To all those children, who are mine and who are not.. Happy Children's Day to all of you. ' She also shared a video, in which she is seen giving autographs to girls during the shooting of Do Patti. Kajol is also seen talking to him. Kajol and Ajay Devgan got married in 1999. They have two children: a daughter Nyasa and a son Yug.
Showed acting skills in Do Patti
Kajol was recently seen in the film Do Patti with Kriti Sanon last month. This film was directed by Shashank Chaturvedi and its story was written by Kanika Dhillon. Kriti Sanon was seen in the film with Kajol. Kriti Sanon has played a double role on screen for the first time. In the film, Kriti played the role of twin sisters Saumya and Shaili, around whom the entire story of the film revolves.
Kajol will be seen in Prabhudeva's film
Kajol will be seen in her upcoming film 'Maharagni – Queen of Queens'. Along with Kajol, Prabhudheva will also be seen in the lead role in this film. Recently, Ajay Devgan had also posted its teaser on his Instagram. Kajol's character is going to be very strong in this film. Kajol also seems very excited about the film.
Image Credit: India_Tv.