Income Tax Department officials raided the house and office of film producer Sukumar in Hyderabad on Wednesday, January 22. The raid began early in the morning and continued for several hours. It is being told that when this action was taken, director Sukumar was at Hyderabad airport. Income tax officials caught him at the airport itself and brought him home. After this the raid continued. Many important documents and evidence are being collected in the Income Tax Department raid at the house of 'Pushpa 2' director Sukumar.
No official statement came forward
However, the reason behind the raid and what was revealed in it has not been given by the authorities yet. No official of the Income Tax Department has issued any statement yet. No official statement has come from the film maker either. This comes at a time when Sukumar is enjoying the success of his recently released film 'Pushpa 2: The Rule'. This film stars Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna in the lead roles and has earned more than Rs 1500 crore. A day before this, on Tuesday i.e. 21st January, Income Tax raids were also conducted on the properties of producer Dil Raju.
suspicion of tax evasion
Income tax officials allegedly suspect him of tax evasion. They are checking the documents. It is being said that this action is a part of the investigation into unaccounted increased income. Authorities are examining financial records and transactions to detect possible tax evasion.
Who is Dil Raju?
Let us tell you, Dil Raju's real name is Velmakucha Venkata Ramana Reddy. Mostly known for his work in Telugu cinema. He has also financed some Tamil and Hindi films and owns the production company Sri Venkateswara Creations. Raju has won two National Film Awards and was honored with the Nagi Reddy-Chakrapani National Award in 2013. His recently produced film was 'Game Changer' starring Ram Charan. Before raiding Sukumar's house, raids were conducted at his places.
Image Credit: India_Tv.