Actress Rupali Ganguly's step daughter Esha Verma was quiet for the last few weeks, due to which it seemed that the matter has been calmed down, but now once again she has hit back and issued a clarification. On her Instagram stories, Esha pointed to the Rs 50 crore defamation notice filed by Rupali and said that she is being punished only for speaking the truth. He again accused the actress and said that his stepmother is a cruel woman. Esha Verma has said a lot about Rupali Ganguly in a long Instagram story. He also criticized his father Ashwin Verma. Talking about her half-brother Rudransh, Esha also clarified that he has “never involved any minor”. In her long note, Isha also said that this would be her “final statement” on the matter.
Isha issued a statement
Isha wrote in her statement, 'Hello everyone, I am Isha Verma and earlier this month I took the difficult decision to share my personal story about my father and my childhood experiences. The decision attracted widespread attention on social media and in the public eye. Speaking was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but it also became a turning point in my life. It gave me clarity, peace, and freedom from years of silence. I was aware of how it would impact not only me but also my friends and loved ones and I handled it with utmost care.'
honestly told the truth
Isha clarified that she never wanted to harm anyone. She said, 'For 24 years I was trapped in a reality from which I could not escape. Sharing my experiences was my way of finding freedom and justice. My intention was never to harm anyone, but to shed light on the experiences that shaped me. By doing so I hope to give a voice to others who may be facing similar struggles, especially when it comes to family dynamics. As an American citizen I have exercised my right to speak honestly.
punished for telling the truth
He also criticized Rupali and her father Ashwin. Isha said, 'I want to talk about an important point, no child should be punished for speaking the truth. Despite being a young adult, I am still my father's child. His reaction to my statement was disturbing, cruel and reflected his true character. I was not just a random person expressing her views, but someone who was directly affected as a member of his family.
remembered an old story
Isha recalled how she was once criticized for her looks during a photoshoot in Mumbai. He further said, 'I have no professional connection with Bollywood or the Indian entertainment industry, nor have I participated in auditions or professional photoshoots in India. In 2017, a comment was made about my looks at a photoshoot in Mumbai by someone whom I had mentioned in my story. Those comments deeply affected my self-esteem as a young adult, but I have worked hard to rebuild and grow from that experience. I want to encourage everyone to embrace our unique characteristics and celebrate the characteristics that have been passed down through generations, because they make us who we are.'
Said this about brother
Isha says about Rudransh, 'I have never included any minor in my statements. Whatever I shared was factual, I came to know about a marriage that took place on 6th February 2013 and later on 25th August of the same year, they had a child. Any additional interpretations published in the media were made without my consent or input. I only talked about my experiences and addressed two individuals directly.'
Now Isha will stay away from this matter
In this context, Isha further says, 'After posting my last statement, which focused on my personal experiences, I decided to archive it after 48 hours and deactivate some platforms. This was not out of fear, but because I felt I had said all I needed to say and I wanted to protect my peace and focus on the present. This will be my final statement on this matter. The purpose of this statement is only to clarify any misconceptions and uncertainties regarding my story and the responses it has received. It is not intended to provoke further debate on this matter. I will not be participating in any interviews, further discussions or comments regarding this situation going forward. My focus now is on healing, rebuilding and embracing the next chapter of my life.
ended the matter like this
Concluding the post, Isha wrote, 'The last few weeks have been very heavy and I have taken a necessary step to recharge and prioritize the well-being of myself and my loved ones. I have come to understand that family is always defined not by blood but by the love, support and loyalty of those who truly stand by you. I am now ready to move on, leaving this behind with dignity and peace… This experience has been incredibly challenging, but it has also reminded me of my strength and resilience. I'm excited to embrace this new chapter with the peace, authenticity, and dignity that are truly important to me. Let's put this behind us and focus on building a brighter, stronger future together. Thank you for being with me.
Image Credit: India_Tv.