Kangana Ranaut is ready to release her directorial film 'Emergency' in theaters on January 17. This film of Kangana Ranaut has been ready for release for a long time but its release date has been postponed. Now Kangana Ranaut has spoken openly about this. In which Kangana told that she made a mistake in deciding to direct this film. Another mistake was that it was decided to release it in theatres. Kangana said that I could have released this film on OTT on which I would have got a good deal. Kangana Ranaut recently gave an interview to News18.
In which Kangana said that 'I felt that releasing it in theaters was a wrong decision. I thought I could have got a better deal on OTT. I too would not have to go through censorship then and there would be no pressure to cut my film. I did not know what they (CBFC) would remove and allow us to keep. The Central Board for Film Certification (CBFC) is a body that certifies all films released in India as fit for public consumption. It reports to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
The film will be released on January 17
Let us tell you that this Kangana Ranaut directorial film is releasing on January 17. A lot of news has been seen about this film before its release. Not only this, Kangana's film was stuck in the censor board for a long time. Due to which the release date of this film had to be postponed several times. Now the wait of those watching this film is over. This film is now ready to hit the theaters across the country on January 17. Emergency stars Kangana as Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and details the last few years of her tenure, showcasing the Emergency and Operation Bluestar. The film also stars Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Ashok Chhabra, Mahima Chaudhary, Milind Soman, Vishak Nair and Satish Kaushik in lead roles.
Image Credit: India_Tv.