The trailer of Akshay Kumar's film 'Sky Force' has been released. It was launched at a grand event in Mumbai on Sunday. The trailer reveals that Sky Force is based on the dramatic and patriotic canvas of the India-Pakistan air war of 1965. Akshay Kumar will once again be seen in his intense avatar in the film. Veer Pahadia will also start his acting career with this film. Both will play the role of Indian Air Force officers in Sky Force. In the trailer, Akshay Kumar gives a stern warning to Pakistan when it decides to go ahead and launch India's first air strike. Veer Pahadia goes missing during the strike. Akshay believes that Veer was left behind in Pakistan during the strike and is still alive. However, the Indian government fails to find him.
He is the father of Pakistan…
In the trailer, Akshay Kumar is seen threatening the Pakistan Army by saying that he is your father. The trailer reveals that Sara Ali Khan will play the role of Veer's love interest in the film. Nimrit Kaur and Sharad Kelkar will also be seen playing lead roles in the film. Akshay Kumar shared the trailer on his X handle and wrote, 'This Republic Day, witness the untold story of a heroic sacrifice – the story of India's first and deadliest air strike.' Fans have shown excitement for the film soon after the trailer was shared. While some praised Akshay Kumar's uniform look, others talked about how impressive Veer's performance is in the film. One fan wrote, 'Blockbuster in loading.' Directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Kapoor, Sky Force is produced by Dinesh Vijan, Amar Kaushik and Jyoti Deshpande. The film is set to release globally on January 24, 2025, during the Republic Day weekend.
Image Credit: India_Tv.