The makers of 'Deva' released the trailer of the film at a grand event in Mumbai on Friday, January 17. Shahid Kapoor is all set to return to his action-thriller mode once again with this action drama film. Watching the trailer of 'Deva', people are remembering the action of Kabir Singh. Along with explosive action, tremendous intensity is also being seen. This time Shahid Kapoor is going to create a blast at the box office by playing not a criminal but a police officer. On social media, people are giving different types of reviews about the trailer of this film.
Shahid Kapoor created a stir by becoming a god.
In the trailer, Shahid's Deva is shown in a very dangerous manner, who has only one aim in life – freedom. The trailer starts with Deva explaining how it all started. The audience is told how Deva lost her brother to the 'system' when someone shot him during a function in their childhood. As the trailer progresses, we see Deva taking up his own will and killing people in the name of justice. In one scene of the video, Deva's senior tells him about an article and asks him whether he is 'police or mafia'. In the very next scene we see Deva saying to a goon 'I am… mafia'.
Deva Trailer Review
Great dialogue delivery, action packed, amazing scenes and on top of that #ShahidKapoor's angry young man look as #Deva. The #DevaTrailer is the complete package of mass madness.
Deva Trailer – Shahid Kapoor, Deva Trailer has arrived, everything is awesome, powerful and Shahid is looking fantastic… It will have a good start at the box office… #Shahid Kapoor #Deva Trailer
#DevaTrailer – Acting in Peak #ShahidKapoor #PoojaHegde
Dialogue delivery is what it is called…. Bhasad Machine Banega in Pura Theatre, releasing on 31st January @ShahidKapoor, #ShahidKapoor #Poojahegde #DevaTrailer
Image Credit: India_Tv.