Shehzad, the accused who entered Saif Ali Khan's house and attacked the actor, has finally been caught. After attacking Saif Ali Khan, the accused managed to escape from his house, kept roaming here and there for hours and kept changing clothes again and again to hide his identity. However, after about 3 days of hard work the police managed to reach him. Shahzad, the accused who attacked Saif Ali Khan, has been sent to police custody for 5 days. Meanwhile, questions are being raised that how did Shehzad overpower Saif Ali Khan?
How did Shehzad outweigh Saif Ali Khan?
Shahzad, the accused who attacked Saif Ali Khan has been caught. In such a situation, the question now arises that how did the accused of small stature become so powerful on Saif Ali Khan? Police investigation has revealed that the accused used to play sports in Bangladesh, especially the preliminary investigation has revealed that he used to play wrestling and that was the reason why he was able to bleed the actor. However, the police is investigating his claims.
attempted theft earlier also
According to information received from police sources, the accused had also tried to steal a customer's ring at the club in Worli where he worked, but was caught. At that time no complaint was filed by the customer, but he was removed from the job. It is being told that he had tried to commit theft in the month of August last.
Saif Ali Khan is under police protection
If we talk about the security of Saif Ali Khan's family, then Mumbai Police constables are currently with him. The police have made security arrangements not only at the hospital gate but also in the ward where he has been kept. Keeping security in mind, a police guard has also been kept with Kareena Kapoor.
Image Credit: India_Tv.