Hitesh Bhardwaj and Bhavika Sharma of 'Gum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein' are in the news these days for their on-screen romantic chemistry. These days, both of them are on social media regarding their love story. Both of them always share beautiful pictures and videos with each other on their Instagram, which the audience likes very much. Recently, Rajat broke his silence on his relationship with Savi and revealed what kind of bond they have. Their fans also want to know about their off-screen bond.
Hitesh Bhardwaj-Bhavika Sharma's relationship
In an interview with India Forum, Hitesh Bhardwaj talked about his offscreen bond with his costar Bhavika Sharma. Talking about this, Hitesh says, 'It is a very good bond. I laugh whenever I hear Bhavika's name because when we go to the set, we have to be very controlled because sometimes she says such things. She tells such jokes that I can't stop laughing, so somewhere between us there are many such jokes that we have made. Whenever we want to laugh, we remember this scene. The relationship I have with Bhavika has taught me a lot. I teach him every day what to do and how to do it. I am really grateful that I got to work with such a wonderful actress who does such a great job.
Hitesh praised Bhavika's work
Speaking further about Bhavika Sharma's acting, Hitesh praised her and said, 'Bhavika is a brilliant actress. I have worked with a lot of people and almost all of them are such people who do very good work and give good performance. Isha Malviya had worked together. Twinkle, Akshita, all these people are very honest about their work, but about Bhavika I will say that I have not seen the power of remembering that she has in anyone. The way she remembers is praiseworthy. He is very honest in his work and perhaps we both match each other a lot because that etiquette means talking in the same way as others do and respecting everyone.
Image Credit: India_Tv.