Himesh Reshammiya is once again back among the audience and that too in full action avatar. Himesh Reshammiya had made a lot of headlines in 2014 with the role of Ravi Kumar in Ananth Mahadevan's period action 'The Xpose' and now he is once again returning in the avatar of Ravi Kumar. Singer-turned-actor Himesh Reshammiya shared the trailer of his upcoming film with his fans on Sunday and gave the fans the good news of his return to theatres. Himesh is once again ready to play the role of Ravi Kumar in the upcoming film, but this time his role is going to be even more flavourful. Himesh's upcoming film is 'BadAss Ravi Kumar', along with the trailer of which, he has also announced the release date of the film.
Himesh Reshammiya returned in action avatar
This film is going to be released on the big screen on 7th February. This new film titled BadAss Ravi Kumar is an action musical entertainer, in which Reshammiya will be seen reprising his character of Ravi Kumar. After seeing Himesh in long hair, suit-boots and beard, you will remember Ranbir Kapoor of Animal. Even in matters of action and violence, it appears no less than Animal.
Himesh Reshammiya seen in Ranbir Kapoor style of Animal
In the trailer of BadAss Ravi Kumar, Himesh Reshammiya is seen holding an electric saw, with which he is seen cutting men into two pieces. Love triangle will also be seen in this film. Along with Himesh, Hansika Motwani will also be seen in the film, who was in the lead role with Himesh in his first film 'Aapka Surroor' as an actor, and on the other hand, Kirti Kulhari is also a part of this film.
These stars will be seen in BadAss Ravi Kumar
In the trailer of BadAss Ravi Kumar, Kriti Kulhari reminds Simi Grewal of debt, who orders Ravi Kumar to steal a diamond necklace kept in high security for her. Himesh can be seen fighting with people in animal style and firing bullets. Apart from Himesh Reshammiya, Hansika Motwani and Kriti Kulhari, actors like Prabhu Dewas, Johnny Lever, Sanjay Mishra, Saurabh Sachdeva, Sunny Leone and Manish Wadhwa will also be seen in the film.
Image Credit: India_Tv.