Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor was struggling at the box office for a long time. After giving more than 11 consecutive flop films, clouds of crisis were looming over Arjun Kapoor's career. Then he got a negative character and this formula of villainy worked once again. Arjun Kapoor's villainy has brought good news for his career. Now Arjun Kapoor's film has become a hit after becoming a villain. Arjun Kapoor is seen playing the role of a villain in the recently released Singham Again. Before this, Arjun's 11 consecutive films were flops.
Is villainy the new charm of Bollywood?
Now villainy is becoming the new charm more than heroism for Bollywood stars. Bobby Deol has also given flop films continuously and suddenly his career brightened as soon as he became a villain. As soon as he became a villain, Bobby Deol gave the biggest hit of his career. Now Arjun Kapoor's name has also been added to this list. Arjun Kapoor has broken the streak of 11 consecutive flops by becoming a villain. Arjun Kapoor started his career in 2012 with the film 'Ishaqzaade'. The debut film was a hit but after that it faced a lot of flops. After debut, his second film 'Aurangzeb' was released in 2013 and flopped. After this, Gunday became a semi-hit and Two States proved to be a superhit. After this, films like Finding Fanny, Tevar flopped badly. The film Ki And Ka, released in 2016, was a semi-hit. Since then, 11 consecutive films of Arjun Kapoor failed at the box office. Now Arjun Kapoor has played the role of villain in Singham again. Arjun Kapoor's film is also moving towards becoming a hit after becoming a villain.
Bobby Deol's villainy also proved costly
Earlier, Bobby Deol's career was also facing the same problem. Bobby Deol was searching for a hit film as a hero for a long time. But success was not reaching him. Tired of continuous flop films, Bobby Deol decided to play negative roles. Bobby Deol played the role of villain in director Sandeep Reddy Vanga's film Animal. This character brought Bobby Deol back on track. The film Animal not only became a hit but also proved to be the biggest superhit film of Bobby Deol's career. Bobby Deol is now in demand for villain roles.
Image Credit: India_Tv.