Mumbai Police has intensified the investigation into the attack on Saif Ali Khan on the night of 16 January. The police have not been able to catch the accused even after 2 days of the incident. The police is making every possible effort to catch the accused. In this case, the police have recorded the statements of about 40-50 people including the nanny of Kareena Kapoor Khan and her children and have now also interrogated the auto driver Bhajan Singh Rana who took the injured actor to the hospital. The auto driver told what happened that night and how he took Saif Ali Khan to the hospital.
The auto driver who took Saif to the hospital recorded his statement
Mumbai Police is interrogating the auto driver Bhajan Singh Rana, who took Saif Ali Khan to Lilavati Hospital on the night of the incident. According to Mumbai Police sources, the police took complete details from Bhajan Singh Rana, like who had stopped the auto, who else was in the auto apart from Saif? When he stopped the auto near Saif's house, what did he see there? What were Saif and Taimar talking about in the auto? There are many such questions, the answers to which Mumbai Police is asking auto driver Bhajan Singh Rana. So that some clue can be found in this matter.
The woman stopped the auto on the middle road
Bhajan Singh Rana told- 'A woman came to the middle road and stopped the auto. During this time, Saif Ali Khan was wearing white kurta and pajama, which was completely soaked in blood. Saif Ali Khan was also accompanied by his sons Taimur and Jeh in the auto. Taimur was sitting in the middle with Saif. The actor asked Bhajan Singh Rana to take him to the hospital. Till then he was not aware that he was Saif Ali Khan.
Kareena was not seen with Saif
Bhajan Singh Rana further said- 'When Saif Ali Khan reached the hospital, he introduced himself to the staff and told that 'I am Saif Ali Khan.' The hospital staff became active on hearing Saif's name. After this Saif got down from the rickshaw and went to the hospital. We did not even charge fare from them. During this period we did not see Kareena with Saif.
Image Credit: India_Tv.