Every day lakhs and crores of people are reaching Prayagraj to take a dip of faith in Mahakumbh 2025. Along with common people, many celebs are also reaching Mahakumbh. Meanwhile, a video is going viral on social media, after watching which the users are surprised and are asking whether 'Harry Potter' has also reached Mahakumbh. Many users reacting to the video are talking about Daniel Radcliffe reaching Prayagraj. However, the truth of this video is something else.
Harry Potter in Mahakumbh?
Actually, in the video a person can be seen enjoying puri-sabzi in Bhandara. However, this man is not Daniel Radcliffe. This person looks exactly like the famous fictional character Harry Potter fame Daniel Radcliffe. In such a situation, people have become confused after seeing this. The person looks a lot like Daniel Radcliffe, so people started thinking that he is the Harry Potter star.
Users were surprised
However, there is no further information about this person who looks like Daniel Radcliffe. In the video, the man can be seen in jeans and a puffer jacket, comfortably enjoying the delicious food from Bhandara. Commenting on the video, many users are asking if this is Daniel Radcliffe. Commenting, one user wrote – 'Well, this is Harry Potter.' Another wrote- 'Is this Daniel Radcliffe?' While some reacted with shocked emojis.
Daniel Radcliffe has played the role of Harry Potter
The famous fictional character Harry Potter, created by JK Rowling, is known for his round glasses, messy hair and a lightning-like mark on his forehead. In the film, this character was played by British actor Daniel Radcliffe, who was well liked. This fictional character is very popular in India also and all the films of Harry Potter series are also very much liked.
Image Credit: India_Tv.