Bollywood actor Pulkit Samrat is celebrating his 41st birthday today. On this special occasion of his birthday, many fans including Bollywood stars have congratulated him on his birthday. Pulkit Samrat has now become a big name in Bollywood. But the journey to reach this point of fame has been very difficult for Pulkit. Pulkit Samrat has earned a name in the film world by tearing the ocean from anonymity. Fans have also congratulated Pulkit Samrat on social media on his birthday. The film 'Fukrey' proved to be like good luck in the career of Pulkit Samrat. The character of this film gave Pulkit the taste of box office.
The journey started from the world of TV
Pulkit Samrat was born on this day in 1983 in Delhi. It was during his schooling here that Pulkit Samrat became obsessed with becoming a hero. Here Pulkit, who dreamed of becoming a star, started his career in the world of TV. Between 2006 and 2007, Pulkit Samrat worked in a popular TV serial 'Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi'. After this Pulkit Samrat journeyed into the film world. In 2012, Pulkit worked in a film named 'Bittu Boss'. However, this film could not bring any special stardom to Pulkit. After this Pulkit got the film 'Fukrey'. This film, released in 2013, changed the direction of Pulkit's career. This film of Pulkit Samrat was not only a hit at the box office but the characters of the star cast of the film including Pulkit also became superhit. As soon as this film became a hit, Pulkit also became a hero.
Did an important role with Salman Khan
After this film, Pulkit also got a chance to work in Salman Khan starrer film 'Jai Ho'. Pulkit played a very important role in this film. Although this film was a flop, it did not get much benefit. After this, Pulkit has also worked as a lead hero in many films. Many of Pulkit's films have been liked by the fans. However, apart from Fukrey, Pulkit Samrat has not got any other big superhit film till now. Pulkit Samrat has worked in 23 films so far in his career. Pulkit had his second marriage with Bollywood actress Kriti Kharbanda. Before this, Pulkit had been divorced once. Now Pulkit and Kriti Kharbanda live a happy life in Mumbai.
Image Credit: India_Tv.