Bhojpuri star Khesari Lal Yadav and actress Akanksha Puri are often in the headlines. Recently, a gym video of both of them was fiercely viral on social media. In this video, both were seen doing gym in abusive style. After this video, both the stars were trolled fiercely. Now Akanksha Puri has spoken openly about this matter. In which Akanksha told that he has no problem with this. Also, Akanksha even said that he is not going to stop.
Was stunts for promotion of video?
Let us know that when the video of Khesari Lal and Akanksha Singh went viral on social media, both of them were promoting their songs. Khesari and Akanksha's song 'Hang Zaiba' was released. For the promotion of this song, both stars promoted their songs in a unique way. In this video, Khesari Lal Yadav was seen exercising in the gym. At the same time, Akanksha also stands together in the gym. After this, Akanksha starts pull -up by implicating his legs in the waist of his costar Khesari. Akanksha herself shared this video on her Instagram. Also wrote the title of his song in the caption of this video. As soon as this video was posted, it started going viral. On this video, the fans trolled both of them fiercely.
Akanksha said-we are not stopping
At the same time, after trolling, Akanksha has spoken openly about this video. Recently, Akanksha said that we have become good friends and spend a lot of time in the gym. This controversy will continue to run like this, but we will not stop. Akanksha jokingly said that we worked together in the song. For this promotion, Khesari ji's manager shot this video when we were in the gym. But Khesari ji slipped after the contrarow. But the media people have caught me again and again. Akanksha even said that look forward, what is viral.
Image Credit: India_Tv.