Famous singer Guru Randhawa recently visited the Mahakumbh 2025 fair where he chanting the 'Har Har Gange' mantra while taking a holy bath at Triveni Sangam in Prayagraj. He has also posted a very cute video of his spiritual journey on his Instagram which is becoming increasingly viral. Singer told that he felt a lot during the Ganga Aarti and boat during the Ganga darshan, which he could not do in words. He experienced peace and spiritual energy in Mahakumbh. He traveled to Prayagraj and took a bath in the mother Ganga. Guru Randhawa also saw the Ganga Aarti of the evening while riding the boat.
Guru Randhawa took a dip in Triveni Sangam
Guru Randhawa shared videos and pictures on Instagram and wrote, 'I got the privilege of holy bath in Maa Ganga. Where faith flows and spirituality flourishes. I am starting my new journey with the blessings of God. Every every house! ' Singer has shown some beautiful glimpse of the Mahakumbh Mela and the Holy Dip in the Triveni Sangam in Prayagraj. This video of his spiritual journey on Instagram is also very much liked by the people.
Guru Randhawa performed Ganga Aarti
In the video, Guru Randhawa took a dip in the river in the morning. He also rode the boat. Singer saw the Ganga Aarti in the evening. He clicked pictures with his fans and chanting the mantra at Triveni Sangam. During the Ganges bath, Guru Randhawa followed the traditional methods, took a dip of faith in the mother Ganga amid chants and then joined the Ganges Aarti and praised Goddess Ganga. Meanwhile, many devotees from Russia and Ukraine also attended the Mahakumbh Mela in Prayagraj on Thursday in 2025 and conveyed the message of spiritual unity. Guru Randhawa is now in discussion about his spiritual journey on social media, not because of his songs.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.