Mumbai Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan is celebrating his 51st birthday today. On the occasion of his birthday, Hrithik Roshan has given a gift to his fans. In which Hrithik has shared the trailer of the documentary series 'The Roshans' releasing on Netflix. The film journey of Hrithik Roshan's family will be shown in this series. Also, this series will reveal how Hrithik's family became Roshan from Nagarth. This series is releasing on Netflix on January 17. Stars like Shahrukh Khan and Priyanka Chopra are also included in this series. Who are going to share their stories in this series. The over three-minute long trailer begins with Hrithik Roshan explaining how his surname changed from Nagrath to Roshan because of his grandfather Roshan Lal Nagrath. Singer Asha Bhosle said that it is a big deal for a family to have four artistes leaving such a legacy.
Bollywood stars will also tell stories
The series features celebrities including Bollywood king Shah Rukh Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Anil Kapoor, Sonu Nigam and Sanjay Leela Bhansali, who talk about the family's massive impact on the industry. In the trailer, Shahrukh Khan is seen comparing Rajesh and Rakesh Roshan with Karan and Arjun. While Hrithik's 'Koi Mil Gaya' co-star Preity Zinta humorously refuses to reveal secrets about him. Ranbir Kapoor described Hrithik as 'phenomenal'. The trailer also reveals how Hrithik went from an introvert to one of the biggest stars of Bollywood. Hrithik teases in the trailer, 'It's a very interesting story how our surname changed from Nagrath to Roshan.' The actor also hints at how his calm nature is often 'misunderstood.' 'The Roshans' is directed by Shashi Ranjan. Ranjan has also co-produced a documentary-series with Rakesh Roshan.
Image Credit: India_Tv.