Bhojpuri's superhit duo of popular singer Goldie Yadav and actress Kajal Tripathi has come up with a song. This song has been released on the music channel of World Wide Records. Bhojpuri folk song 'De Da Na Hamra Ke Mahur' was released recently. The simple lyrics of this song have won the hearts of people. Its music is melodious and melodious. In this song, Kajal Tripathi is electrifying with her killer looks. His dance moment is worth watching. In the video of this song, it is shown that Kajal Tripathi's husband Avnish Arya behaves very rudely. Doesn't love him. On this, Kajal Tripathi explains to him and says, 'Jab biah tohra bhil ba humse, kota khush nahi bada kasam se, lagela baat hamar baur balam, are chahi na humke kuch aur balam, de da hamara ke mahur balam.'
Goldie Yadav is happy with the love of the audience
Regarding this song, singer Goldie Yadav said that 'Such songs are rarely made. When I got the offer to sing this song, the first thing I heard was its lyrics. The lyrics were very well written. I have sung this song from my heart. This song is getting a lot of love from the audience, thank you wholeheartedly for this. Kajal Tripathi said, 'Whenever Ratnakar sir makes a song, he makes it on a big label. This song is getting a lot of love from the audience. I have given my hundred percent in this song. Heartfelt thanks to my fans and audience, who are giving their love and blessings to this song.
World Wide Records has made the song
The folk song 'De Da Na Hamra Ke Mahur' presented by Worldwide Records is produced by Ratnakar Kumar. This song is sung by singer Goldie Yadav. Actress Kajal Tripathi has done a brilliant performance in this video. Avneesh Arya has played the role of her husband very well. This song has been written by lyricist Ravi Yadav, while composer Vicky Vox has given the melodious music. Now people are liking this song a lot. This song is also popular during New Year celebrations.
Image Credit: India_Tv.