Ram Charan and director Shankar's much awaited film 'Game Changer' has been released in theaters across the world today. People were eagerly waiting for this film and now after its release a lot of excitement has arisen among the people. Seeing the enthusiasm of the people, the governments of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka had also given permission for morning shows in many theatres. The film didn't even reach the interval when fans' reactions started pouring in on social media. The audience on X started telling about the film. Ram Charan's acting and Thaman's background score were highly praised. The film is being described as brilliant. People say that it was already decided that Shankar would be successful in giving a commercial hit but his direction is weak.
There are these shortcomings and these special things in the film
One user wrote, 'Gamechanger is a commercial cinema which has Shankar's stamp from the beginning. Charan's performance as Ram Nandan and Appanna is superb. Thaman's background score is excellent. The interval blocks, mother scenes are well made. Jaragandi and Ra Macha look fantastic onscreen. Another user responded, 'There are many flaws in the film, but Ram Charan has given life to his character. The scenes between Ram Charan and SJ Surya are impressive and the dialogues are also well written. Thaman did a good job with the music. Though everyone did their job well, but it is below Shankar sir's usual standards.
The film is close to average
Although some viewers felt the film's pace was uneven, others appreciated its thoughtful themes and powerful message. Another X user wrote, 'Game Changer is an above average political entertainer with its ups and downs. The film begins with an Oora mass train fight scene featuring Ram Charan, which sets the tone with sheer energy and action. This is followed by the lively “Ra Macha Macha” song, where Ram Charan impresses with his signature massive yet classy dance moves.'
the story is slow
Another user wrote, 'The film becomes quite slow, especially during the love scenes with Kiara Advani, which seem overdrawn and disrupt the flow. The interval twist is a masterstroke, completely unexpected and brilliantly executed.' Now the film is getting such mixed reactions.
These stars are seen in the film
Let us tell you, Ram Charan plays a dual role in Game Changer, in which he showcases his versatility as a stern bureaucrat and a kind-hearted philanthropist. Kiara Advani is also in the lead role with him in the film. The film stars an impressive cast including Anjali, SJ Suryah, Srikanth, Samuthirakani, Sunil and Naveen Chandra, brought together under the direction of acclaimed filmmaker Shankar.
Image Credit: India_Tv.