'Game Changer' is earning handsomely in advance booking. Ram Charan and Kiara Advani starrer 'Game Changer' is all set to release in theaters on January 10. After the super success of RRR, this upcoming Pan India film is going to be a blast at the box office. According to Sacknilk, till Thursday morning, 'Game Changer' has made a gross collection of Rs 9.18 crore from advance booking. A day earlier on Wednesday morning, Rs 1.10 crore had been earned from pre-sales. According to the latest report of SACNL, the advance booking of the film in India has now crossed Rs 13.87 crore, in which more than 4 lakh tickets have been sold.
Advance booking of game changer
According to the report of trade website Sacknilk, 'Game Changer' has so far earned more than Rs 13.87 crore from more than 4 lakh tickets sold for 10,858 shows in India. The film grossed ₹7.52 crore in Andhra Pradesh and ₹3.3 crore in Telangana. Earned Rs 59.01 lakh in Tamil Nadu, Rs 1.06 crore in Karnataka and Rs 2.6 lakh in Kerala. Whereas Shankar's previous film 'Indian 2' had registered advance booking of Rs 10.98 crore and Ram's film 'Acharya' with Chiranjeevi had earned Rs 15.75 crore. 'Game Changer' has got a hike in ticket prices and permission to start shows from 1 am in Andhra Pradesh and 4 am in Telangana. The makers are releasing the film only in the Hindi dubbed version on more than 2000 screens. Ram Charan's 'Game Changer' will clash with Sonu Sood's 'Fateh' in Hindi which is releasing on Friday itself.
Ram Charan's filmography
South superstar Ram Charan's last solo release is 'Vinay Vidya Ram' which was released in 2019. The film, directed by Boyapati Srinu, was a box office flop, while his previous film 'Rangasthalam' was a hit in 2018. The film grossed ₹220 crore worldwide, becoming Ram's highest grossing solo grosser and a blockbuster. Ram's previous film 'RRR', directed by SS Rajamouli and co-starring Jr NTR, was a hit by earning more than Rs 1230 crore worldwide.
Image Credit: India_Tv.