This is the first New Year party of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant after marriage. This time the Ambani family is celebrating the New Year 2025 in Jamnagar, whose pictures and videos are viral on social media. Many stars have arrived to participate in this New Year celebration. While Shahrukh Khan reached Jamnagar with his wife Gauri Khan and children, Salman Khan was seen with Anant-Radhika. The grand celebration of Salman Khan's birthday has been much talked about. Recently, Nita-Mukesh Ambani celebrated Bhaijaan's birthday in Vantara.
King Khan will celebrate New Year with family
Shahrukh Khan has returned from Alibaug after weekend holiday with his wife Gauri Khan and children Abram-Suhana Khan. Now King Khan was seen with his entire family in Jamnagar for New Year celebrations with the Ambani family. The video of his arrival at the airport has surfaced on the internet. The 'Jawaan' superstar was seen in a black T-shirt and oversized matching hoodie, with which he also hid his face. On the other hand, Shahrukh's wife Gauri was seen giving boss lady vibes in a white shirt, yellow blazer, loose jeans and black sunglasses.
Salman Khan arrives at Ambani family's New Year party
Salman Khan was recently seen with Anant Ambani in a mall in Jamnagar. This video is from after Bhaijaan's birthday. After this, Salman Khan was seen with Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, where the teaser of Salman's 'Sikander' was also shown. In a video, Salman was seen roaming in the mall with Anant. In one, the superstar was seen attending the New Year celebrations of the Ambani family. During this outing, Salman was seen wearing a black T-shirt with a check shirt and pants, while Anant was seen wearing a printed shirt with trousers.
Shahrukh and Salman will have a blast on BO
Talking about the work front, Shahrukh Khan will soon be seen in Siddharth Anand's 'King', in which he will share the screen with his daughter Suhana Khan for the first time. The film will also star Abhishek Bachchan and Abhay Verma. Talking about Salman Khan, these days he is in discussion about his upcoming film 'Sikander'.
Image Credit: India_Tv.