There was tremendous popularity of Bhojpuri songs in 2024. While Pawan Singh created a stir in Bollywood with his songs, the songs of Nirahua alias Dinesh Lal Yadav have also been much talked about. Not only this, this year the songs of many Bhojpuri stars have become popular on social media, on which reels have also been made. Many famous singers like Manoj Tiwari, Arvind Akela (Kallu), Akshara Singh and Shilpi Raj have been in the news on social media and among the people due to their songs.
Pawan Singh
In 2024, two Bollywood songs of famous Bhojpuri singer Pawan Singh created a stir not only on social media but also in the film industry. One of these is the hit song 'Aai Nahi' from 'Stree 2', starring Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor. The second song is 'Chumma' from Rajkumar Rao and Trupti Dimri's film 'Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video'.
Bhojpuri superstar Dinesh Lal Yadav's 'Maroon Color Saree', known as Nirahua, has become the most traded this year. This song forced everyone to dance. The wonderful pair of Nirahua and Amrapali Dubey created a stir with this song.
Manoj Tiwari
The name of actor and singer Manoj Tiwari is also included in this list. One of his old songs has been in the news this year because it was heard in Season 3 of 'Panchayat', whose name is 'Lalna Hind Ke Sitara'.
Akshara Singh
Bhojpuri superstar Akshara Singh and singer Aryan Babu have together lent their voice to the Devi devotional song 'Devar Sathe Darshan Mai Ke' which has been much talked about during Navratri.
Shilpa Raj
Bhojpuri singer Shilpi Raj's songs are superhit. Fans dance as soon as their songs are played. This year his song 'Jaljeera Chata Ke' was released, which was a blast.
Image Credit: India_Tv.