Richa Chadha has made her first film 'Girls Will Be Girls' with her husband Ali Fazal under the banner of Pushing Button Studios, which has been in the news since its release. Directed by Shuchi Talati, this film has hit OTT, which has created a stir within three days of its release. 'Girls Will Be Girls', which is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, is getting a lot of love not only from India but from the audience across the country, but do you know how much sacrifice this celebrity couple had to make for the film. Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal had to break their FD for money.
Richa Chadha-Ali Fazal broke FD for the film
In an interview with Indian Express, Ali Fazal talked about his first production venture 'Girls Will Be Girls'. In the interview, Guddu Bhaiya of Mirzapur said that he belongs to a country which is known for its jugaad and finding ways to get the work done. The actor further said, 'To be honest, we asked for money from here and there and even broke our FD for Girls Will Be Girls.' He further said that he managed it somehow. Now, the film is getting good reviews and the film is getting great views on OTT. Therefore, creators should not worry about funds. On this, Richa Chadha said that creating good content and bringing it on screen was difficult but not impossible, everything is possible.
The story of Girls Will Be Girls
Full of romance-drama, 'Girls Will Be Girls' is an Indo-French coming-of-age drama film set in a boarding school in the foothills of the Himalayas. This film is full of many types of puzzles. If you like the story of the 90s, then this film will take you to that era because it is based on the romance of that era when mobiles did not come and love was expressed through missed calls. This film was shown at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival. This is the story of a girl who goes to a strict boarding school, who falls in love, but everything starts coming to an end due to her mother's fear. Girls Will Be Girls is produced by Pushing Button Studios, Blink Digital, Cinema Inutil, Crawling Angel Films and Dolce Vita Films. For those who don't know, Pushing Button Studios is the production debut of actors Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha.
Image Credit: India_Tv.