Sonu Sood is the only Bollywood hero who has played the lead role with international star Jackie Chan. Actor Sonu Sood, who has played hero-villain roles in more than 74 Bollywood films, has recently made an interesting revelation. In which Sonu Sood told why he had rejected the offers to become Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister. Actor Sonu Sood, known for his social work along with films, told in a recent interview that he had rejected the offer of the post of CM due to the fear of losing his freedom.
Got offers from CM to Rajya Sabha
Sonu Sood recently gave an interview to 'Humans of Bombay'. In which Sonu Sood told that he has also received offers for the posts of Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister and Rajya Sabha MP. When Sonu was asked, do you ever think of going into politics? In response to this, Sonu says, 'I was offered the post of Chief Minister. But when I refused, he proposed the post of Deputy Chief Minister. They are very influential people of the country. He also offered me a seat in Rajya Sabha. This is a very special time when influential people of the country want to meet you. But I refused all these offers. Because my biggest fear is that I will lose my freedom because I help people.
Sonu Sood is known for social concerns
When there was an outcry in the country during the Corona epidemic. There were daily reports of deaths of workers and common people alike. Then Sonu Sood extended his hand to help the people. Sonu Sood not only sent thousands of laborers home with his own money but also made thousands of people wait for food, health and employment. During the Corona period, Sonu Sood emerged as a real life hero. But Sonu Sood does not want to go into politics. Rather, he wants to actually help people through acting.
Image Credit: India_Tv.