Bollywood star Farhan Akhtar turns 51 today. Today is the actor's birthday. On this special occasion, he cut the birthday cake late at night. Many cakes have been cut together in his family. In fact, along with the actor, two more members of the family also have a birthday. In such a situation, everyone celebrated the birthday together. Filmmaker Zoya Akhtar shared an adorable picture of her three family members celebrating their birthday together. These three members are none other than Farhan Akhtar's sister and director Farah Khan and sister-in-law Anusha Dandekar.
celebrated birthday
On Thursday morning, Zoya shared a picture in which her brother actor-filmmaker-singer Farhan Akhtar was sitting in the middle. He was wearing a black T-shirt and smiling with his eyes closed. Seated on his left is his cousin sister, filmmaker-choreographer Farah Khan, who shares his birthday with Farhan. Farah has turned 60 years old. On Farhan's right hand is his sister-in-law and former VJ-actress Anusha Dandekar. Shibani Dandekar's sister also celebrates her birthday on this day. Three birthday cakes with candles can be seen on the table in front of the three of them. Zoya captioned the post, 'Bring it in.'
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Farah and Farhan said thank you
Farhan commented on Zoya's post, 'Oh what a wonderful birthday… thank you Zoey (red heart emoji) love my family.' Along with Shweta Bachchan, actresses Huma Qureshi and Siddhant Chaturvedi posted red heart emojis in the comments. Farah also shared the picture on her Instagram stories and wrote, 'Happy Birthday to all Capri 9's.' She thanked Zoya, Shibani and her aunt and veteran screenwriter Honey Irani for presenting it so beautifully.
Image Credit: India_Tv.