Actor and filmmaker Farhan Akhtar has posted a special note for Indian cricket captain Rohit Sharma on social media, in which he has praised him a lot. Sharing his views on social media, actor Farhan talked about the important contribution of superstar Rohit to the Indian cricket team and described his qualities as a leader. Now recently, Team India captain Rohit Sharma has also given a big update regarding his retirement. He decided to take rest from the last match of the five-match Test series between India and Australia which is being played at the Sydney Cricket Ground.
Farhan Akhtar called Rohit Sharma a superstar
Farhan wrote, 'Just got this off my chest… This guy has done a lot for Indian cricket and has captained our team incredibly well and successfully over the last few years. His skill with the bat speaks for itself and he has played countless innings in which he has shown us what a brilliant cricketer he is. Talking about the challenges faced by cricketers, Farhan said, 'Yes, this game can be brutal and you cannot remember the name of any cricketer who has not gone through bad times. We have seen the greatest batsmen and bowlers struggle a lot for form… Many times we have wished in our hearts that they would take a break, find their form in domestic cricket or in the nets and then come back with a bang.
Farhan Akhtar in Rohit Sharma's soap opera
Farhan further said, 'You are the person who makes every effort for his team to win… before coming into his form, he keeps the team ahead, but people are trolling him.' He encouraged Rohit and said, 'You are a superstar. You know what you're doing and I know you won't let negativity get to you…just wanted to say thank you for showing the world that you put the team before the individual. This is difficult to do and only the most intelligent person can do it. Right decision makes you a good leader. Rohit Sharma has decided to keep himself out of the fifth Test of the Border-Gavaskar Trophy against Australia in Sydney.
Image Credit: India_Tv.