Karan Veer Mehra has been showered with love and praise since winning Bigg Boss 18. Despite being heavily criticized and constantly targeted by fellow contestants throughout the season, her resilience won the hearts of fans. During the Weekend War segment, host Farah Khan defended Karan Veer and compared his journey with that of BB 13's iconic winner, late Sidharth Shukla. Farah named this season as The Karan Veer Mehra Show. Adding to the excitement, Farah recently shared a heart-touching update with her Instagram followers. In which she is seen hugging Karan Veer. After Farah shared the picture with Karan Veer, her fans praised her in the comments section. Both are smiling in the photo. While Karan is very happy after taking home the BB trophy, Farah is equally thrilled as her favorite contestant won despite facing many challenges in the show.
Farah Khan shared photo
While sharing the picture, the filmmaker wrote, 'Coming soon on my YouTube channel. Me and my favorite contestant of Bigg Boss 18, Karan Veer Mehra. During a weekend episode of Bigg Boss 18, Farah Khan criticized some of the contestants, but took the opportunity to praise Karan Veer Mehra and his gameplay. He said, 'Welcome to Bigg Boss 18, as we know it in the outside world as the Karan Veer Mehra show. This entire house is revolving around Karan. You only hear about Karan's issues, Karan's gossip. That's why I said it has become a Karan Veer Mehra show. Last time I saw a contestant being targeted like this, it was Sidharth Shukla and he won the show.
Selective anger, whenever there is a fight it is always over Karan. You need to be very careful, your laugh doesn't always please everyone, but I like it. Only you have a sense of friendliness, whether it's brown, dark or whatever. But you have to be very careful because everyone has a target on your back. Karan Veer Mehra won Bigg Boss 18 by defeating Vivian Dsena, Rajat Dalal, Avinash Mishra, Chum Darang and Eisha Singh.
Image Credit: India_Tv.