Rumors of Indian leg spinner Yuzvendra Chahal's separation from his wife Dhanashree Verma are rife on social media. Amidst the rumors of divorce of cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal, fans have also jumped in support of him. Not only this, Chahal's fans also took Dhanashree's class and trolled her fiercely. On Sunday, many fans of Yuzvendra Chahal took to their respective X (formerly Twitter) handles and criticized Chahal's wife Dhanashree. She accused him of being close to other men and argued that separation was the 'best decision' for Chahal. A fan also criticized Dhanashree and alleged that the cricketer was being 'mistreated' in the marriage. A fan also asked Dhanashree to take inspiration from Anushka Sharma, who is married to Virat Kohli.
Fans said Chahal was in an abusive relationship
Amidst the rumors of divorce, fans have also started giving their reactions on this. A fan of Chahal posted on X and wrote, 'Yuzi Chahal kept patience. But still for how long will he tolerate Dhanashree's actions and online trolls. She did the best thing for herself by divorcing him. In a post, another user wrote, 'A woman who shows such a picture on social media with other men during a wedding, had her priorities elsewhere. Dhanashreevarmayujvendrachahal divorce is almost certain. We just have to see if there will be a case of domestic violence.
Rumors started after unfollowing on Instagram
Yuzvendra Chahal and Dhanashree Verma's divorce rumors made headlines when fans noticed that both of them unfollowed each other on Instagram. Yuzvendra has also removed all the pictures of Dhanashree from his account, while Dhanashree still has some of his pictures. Earlier in 2022, netizens also noticed that Dhanashree removed her surname 'Chahal' from her Instagram handle, sparking speculations of trouble in their relationship. Around the same time, Chahal posted a mysterious picture on his Instagram story, leaving fans guessing. The image shows a quote that reads, 'New life is loading.'
Image Credit: India_Tv.