Bhojpuri film industry's famous actor and villain Vijay Khare, who was famous for the role of 'Gabbar Singh', has passed away. He died today, December 15, at 4 am during treatment at Kaveri Hospital in Bengaluru. He was ill for some time. He was ill for a long time due to kidney problem and was undergoing treatment. Bhojpuri's Gabbar Singh was originally from Muzaffarpur, Bihar. He was famous worldwide for his work in Bhojpuri films and shows. The people of Bhojpuri film industry and their fans are in deep shock due to his demise.
Bhojpuri actor said goodbye to the world
Vijay Khare was admitted after his health suddenly deteriorated, but he died in the hospital itself. Vijay Khare was suffering from kidney problem for the last few months. Vijay Khare's demise has come as a huge shock to his fans and the industry. Born in Muzaffarpur, Bihar, Vijay had acted in over 200 Bhojpuri films and was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019 for his contribution to Bhojpuri cinema, which is also received by many Bhojpuri actors including Ravi Kishan, Nirahua and Manoj Tiwari. Already happened. Vijay lived in Mumbai, where he had an acting school named Vijay Khare Academy.
When will Vijay Khare's funeral be held?
One of the superhit films of Vijay Khare, famous for playing the role of a dreaded villain in films, 'Ganga Kinare Mora Gaon' (1983) is still much discussed among the people. Vijay Khare forever made a place in the hearts of fans with his strong acting and brilliant characters in 'Raeeszada' (1976) and 'Humra Se Biyah Karba' (2003). Let us tell you that the last rites of Vijay Khare alias Gabbar Singh will be performed in Bengaluru on Monday, 16th December at 2 pm. With his strong acting, he has done excellent work not only in Bhojpuri cinema but also in movies of other languages.
Image Credit: India_Tv.