Famous actor of Telugu film industry Vijay Rangaraju alias Raj Kumar passed away in a private hospital in Chennai. It is being told that he got injured during the shooting of a film in Hyderabad. He was later taken to Chennai for treatment where he died during treatment. Vijay Rangaraju said goodbye to the world at the age of 70. Earlier, everyone was shocked by the news of the sudden demise of famous actor Yogesh Mahajan, who worked in TV Hindi serials and Marathi films. Vijay's last rites will be held in Chennai only.
Telugu actor Vijay Rangaraju passes away
Vijay Rangaraju is survived by two daughters, Dikshita and Padmini. Not much information has been received yet about his funeral. Vijay Rangaraju, who made his mark as a villain in films, died of a heart attack. This information has been given by his friend Suresh and his fans on X page. Vijay Rangaraju was a popular actor in the Telugu and Malayalam film industries, known for his strong performances in villain and supporting roles. He earned name fame by playing the role of villain in many superhit films. Has also been an actor in some films.
Vijay Rangaraju became famous as a villain-actor
Vijay Rangaraju played the role of a villain in South superstar Gopichand's film 'Yagyanam' and due to this he got tremendous name fame. Before coming to cinema, he had worked in several theater plays in Chennai, but his breakthrough came from Nandamuri Balakrishna's 'Bhairava Dweepam', in which he played the role of the villain. He entered Telugu cinema with great director Bapu's 'Sita Kalyanam'. After this he became a part of many films, which include films like 'Ashok Chakraborty', 'State Rowdy' and 'Vijay'. Apart from acting, Vijay Rangaraju was also fond of weight lifting and body building.
Image Credit: India_Tv.