Director Girish Malik's film 'Band of Maharajas' is making headlines for Oscar with its music. The film has received nominations in Oscar Awards in 2 categories. People are also liking the songs of this musical film. Recently the starcast of the film reached the studio of India TV. Where the starcast talked openly about music and the goings-on in its world. Meanwhile, singer Jasbir Jassi, who arrived here, also expressed his opinion about singers. He also told that Karan Aujila's music influences him more than Honey Singh and Badshah. Jasbir told that Karan's music is very romantic and this kind of music is going to be heard a lot in the next 5-7 years. Jasbir has also praised Honey Singh a lot.
Talk on India-Pakistan relations
Director Girish Malik, producer Puneet Singh, actor singer Jasbir Jassi and Arjun Pratap Bajwa are busy in the promotion of the film 'Band of Maharajas'. All these stars reached the studio of India TV and talked about the world of music and their film. Also on the relations between India and Pakistan, director Girish Malik said, 'Art has no language and boundaries. Today, even though we do not have good relations with Pakistan, people in India listen to Nusrat Saheb. People of Pakistan listen to Indian singers. In this film also we have tried to show the world of music. My aim is to bring music and its beautiful world among the people. The producer of the film, Puneet Singh, said, 'We had made it like a commercial film. But even a commercial film can be beautiful if you stay honest with the story. We have shown our subject honestly in this. This is the reason why it has even won an Oscar. Music is something that does not need translation. Music is understood through emotions.
I like Karan Aujila's music.
When singer and actor Jasbir Jassi was asked which young singer in India impresses him the most at this time. In response to this, Jasbir Jassi said, 'Karan Ojila's music is quite impressive. Karan and his team keep bringing a lot of new things. They make very different music. Their music is 5-7 years ahead. I like his music. Honey Singh is also an excellent producer. He has composed many wonderful songs. There is no break for them. He has made people dance to many superhit songs without any abuse or alcohol. No one can doubt his talent. Let us tell you that 'Band of Maharajas' is a musical film. This film has received an Oscar nomination. Now it has to be seen how far this film can stand in the Oscars and whether it can win this title.
Image Credit: India_Tv.