Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh welcomed their daughter into this world in September 2024. Deepika-Ranveer have not yet revealed the face of their little angel, but have definitely told the name to the world. Deepika-Ranveer have named their daughter Dua. After the birth of her daughter, Deepika's entire focus is on raising her daughter and these days she is away from work. She is rarely seen in public. But, now after becoming a mother, Deepika was seen on the ramp for the first time.
Deepika Padukone's look in discussion
Deepika Padukone recently walked the ramp for famous designer Sabyasachi. On the 25th anniversary of Sabyasachi, Deepika walked the ramp for the famous designer, the video of which is going viral on social media. Not only this, after seeing Deepika's look, fans are comparing her with Bollywood's evergreen actress Rekha.
Deepika's first ramp walk after becoming a mother
Actually, for Sabyasachi's 25th anniversary show, Deepika wore monochromatic white tailored pants, white shirt and trench coat. Her look was completed with a necklace, ruby-diamond choker and cross pendant. Along with this he wore a headband. Deepika walked the ramp with glasses and black leather gloves. Seeing this look of Deepika, some social media users started comparing her with Rekha.
Comparison of Deepika's look with Rekha
Actually, superstar Rekha has been spotted many times at the airport in such a look. Now when Deepika walked the ramp with a similar look, fans could not help but react. Seeing Deepika's look, many compared her with Rekha and also expressed happiness. Many even said that after seeing Deepika, it took some time for them to recognize whether it was Deepika or Rekha.
Dua's face has not been revealed yet
Let us tell you, Deepika Padukone became a mother on 8 September. She gave birth to daughter Dua in September, after which the couple revealed their daughter's name a few days later. Deepika-Ranveer also hosted a party for the paparazzi in Mumbai, in which they showed their daughter's face to the paps, but with a request not to take pictures and videos of the daughter.
Image Credit: India_Tv.