One of Bollywood's most loved couples, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh welcomed their little daughter Dua in September 2024. Now, actress Deepika has shared a special glimpse of her first Christmas celebration with her daughter Dua which is in the news on social media for a special reason. You will keep looking at this heart touching picture. Recently, Deepika and Ranveer had invited the paps to meet their daughter Dua, but till now they have not shown their daughter's face on social media.
Deepika's daughter's first Christmas celebration
Deepika Padukone has shared a very cute photo on her Instagram handle. A Christmas tree can be seen in this special picture. Where in the close-up picture, the name of their daughter Dua is written on the Christmas tree along with Deepika and Ranveer. While posting this picture on social media, the actress has expressed her happiness and love in the caption. Deepika-Ranveer have made Dua's first Christmas celebration memorable. They decorated this Christmas tree with classic red and black ribbons.
Deepika-Ranveer's Christmas post went viral
However, the most special thing about this picture was that Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone along with their daughter's name was written on the baubles in a special way. The couple's unique Christmas celebration is attracting everyone's attention. For those who don't know, these baubles are considered a symbol of the joy of the holiday season and the light that comes into life. Another special thing was that actress Deepika wrote in the caption, 'My heart is full of happiness.' She has tagged her husband Ranveer Singh in the post.
Dated for 6 years before marriage
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh dated each other for six years before getting married in Lake Como, Italy in November 2018. The couple welcomed their daughter Dua on September 8, 2024 and announced their daughter's name on the auspicious occasion of Diwali.
Image Credit: India_Tv.