Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh welcomed their daughter on September 8 this year and now on November 1, the couple has shared the first picture of their daughter on their social media. Along with this, the name has also been revealed which is in discussion among the people. Fans were waiting for a long time to get a glimpse of the little angel. Finally, Deepika and Ranveer fulfilled the wish of their fans on the second day of Diwali. Deepika and Ranveer have shared a lovely picture of their daughter, in which she is seen wearing a beautiful red dress.
Name of Deepika-Ranveer's daughter
On November 1, Deepika shared a picture of her daughter's tiny and cute feet. Deepika and Ranveer have not revealed the face of their daughter. B-Town's power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh welcomed their first child to their home on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. Now Deepika Padukone has announced the name of her daughter on social media, one and a half month after her birth, and has also explained its meaning. Breaking the trend of naming babies by combining the names of their parents, they gave their baby girl a unique name 'Dua Padukone Singh', which means prayer. While sharing the post, the actress wrote, 'Dua… because he is the fruit of our prayers. Our hearts are completely filled with love. Deepika and Ranveer.
First picture of Deepika-Ranveer's daughter
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have posted the first photo of their daughter, in which the little angel is wearing a red colored traditional dress. On this post, celebs are seen showering a lot of love on Deepika's daughter. Along with this picture, people are also demanding to reveal the face of Dua Padukone Singh. This post of the actress became viral as soon as it was posted on social media.
Lady Singham's blast
Deepika and Ranveer were recently seen in Rohit Shetty directorial 'Singham Again', in which Ajay Devgan appears in the lead role. The film has taken a bumper opening as soon as it was released in theaters on November 1.
Image Credit: India_Tv.