There are a lot of headlines about Vicky Kaushal's influence. Recently the trailer of the film was released, which received tremendous response from the audience. However, the trailer of the film was not only discussed but also controversies arose. After watching the trailer, Maharashtra ministers have claimed that the makers have tried to tamper with history in the film in the name of creative liberty. Maharashtra government minister Uday Samant said that the objectionable parts should be removed from the film. Now Chhaava director Laxman Utekar has confirmed that Vicky Kaushal's leggy dance sequence has been removed from the film.
Maharashtra Minister had raised the question
Several ministers of Maharashtra claimed that the Legim dance sequence in Chhaava's trailer does not match with the personality of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj. Apart from this, it was said that such portrayal of honorable personalities can hurt the sentiments. After which a controversy arose over Vicky Kaushal's dance sequence in Chaava.
The film should be shown to experts before release
Not only this, Maharashtra Minister Uday Samant demanded an expert review of the film and said – “It is a matter of great pleasure that a Hindi film based on the life of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, the protector of religion and swaraj, has been made. Let the world know about Chhatrapati's life.” Such efforts are necessary to explain the history. However, many people have expressed their opinion about some objectionable scenes in the film. We believe that this film should not be released without showing it to experts. Maharaj Anything that hurts the honor of will not be tolerated.”
The director took a big step
Chhaava director Laxman Utekar said in a statement that the Legim dance sequence will not be included in Vicky Kaushal and Rashmika Mandanna starrer Chhaava. He further said that there is nothing greater than the legacy of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj and this is just a small dance sequence. He said- 'After meeting Raj Thackeray, I have paid attention to his advice and recommendations. And I can honestly say that I find his words very beneficial. After meeting him, I have decided to remove the scenes where we have shown Sambhaji Maharaj doing the Legim dance.
Image Credit: India_Tv.