A meeting between Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy and directors, producers and actors from the Tollywood industry was held on December 26 at the Telangana State Police Command and Control Center in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. Amid the ongoing controversy over the Sandhya theater stampede, CM Reddy gave strict instructions to Tollywood actors, saying there will be no compromise with law and order. Film producers Suresh Baby, KL Narayan, Damodhar, BVSN Prasad, Chinna Babu, Sudhakar Reddy, film directors Kortala Siva, Anil Ravipudi, K Raghavendra Rao, Prashant Varma, Nagarjuna, Shiva Balaji and Venkatesh had reached ICCC to meet the Chief Minister of Telangana. .
Tollywood stalwarts met CM Revanth Reddy
Allu Arjun has been in the news after the stampede at Sandhya theater during the premiere of 'Pushpa 2'. Now apart from Allu Arjun, many big names met CM Revanth to talk about this matter. The Tollywood delegation is led by Telangana Film Development Corporation (FDC) President Dil Raju. During this time, stars like Nagarjuna, Varun Tej, Sai Dharam Tej, Kalyan Ram, Shiv Balaji, Adavi Shesh and Nitin were also present. Directors including Koratala Siva, Anil Ravipudi, Sai Rajesh and producers like Suresh Babu, Damodhar, Allu Aravind, BVSN Prasad, Chinna Babu also attended this special meeting.
Meeting held in Sandhya theater stampede case
Meeting held in Sandhya theater stampede case
CM Revanth's statement came out in Sandhya theater stampede case
CM Revanth Reddy has made it clear in the meeting that benefit shows will not be allowed. Strict action will be taken against bouncers. It is the responsibility of the stars to control the fans. The film industry will have to campaign against drugs. An International Film Festival was held during the time of Chandra Babu Naidu. Similarly, International Film Festival should be hosted. On this, some veteran people associated with the film industry said that the film gets the most benefit from the first day shows and benefit shows.
Image Credit: India_Tv.