Sunday was the second day of weekend war in Bigg Boss 18. On Sunday, Salman Khan talked to the contestants and listened to them. After this, Singham Again director Rohit Shetty and Ajay Devgan also arrived in Weekend Ka Vaar. Shruti Arjun has been shown the way out of Bigg Boss house on Sunday. Before this, two contestants have also been evicted from Bigg Boss house.
Avinash Mishra on target of family members
There was a lot of excitement in Bigg Boss on Sunday. Rohit Shetty also went inside Bigg Boss house and talked and also got tasks done. Here Avinash Mishra remained the target of the family members. From Shilpa Shirodkar to Naira and Chum Darang also targeted Avinash. Here Rohit Shetty talked to all the contestants and also heard the arguments of the fights. Karanvir Mehra also had to suffer electric shock in Bigg Boss house. There was a lot of uproar in Bigg Boss. Salman Khan also listened to the contestants and gave them advice. Rohit Shetty also advised Avinash Mishra to control his anger a little.
2 contestants have been eliminated from the show
Let us tell you that in Bigg Boss, 18 contestants were allowed to enter the house on the premiere day on 6th October. Till now 2 contestants of the show have left the house. Hema Sharma, who became famous as Viral Bhabhi, was the first to be shown the way out of the house. After this, Anupama fame actress Muskaan Bamne was also thrown out of the house. Now the remaining contestants are fighting for the Bigg Boss trophy. If we talk about the most powerful contestants till now, the names of contestants like Rajat Dalal, Vivian Dsena, Karanvir Mehra, Avinash Mishra and Chahat Pandey are on the top.
Image Credit: India_Tv.