Veer Pahadia is all set for his Bollywood debut. Actor Akshay Kumar is all set to make his Bollywood debut with starrer 'Sky Force'. Sky Force is Veer Pahadia's first film, so while on one hand the actor is promoting the film vigorously, on the other hand he is also not forgetting to offer prayers to God. Ahead of the release of his debut film, Veer visited the iconic Mahakaleshwar temple in Ujjain, where the actor took blessings of Mahakal.
Veer Pahadia reached Mahakal's darshan
Veer Pahadia reached the temple early in the morning where he worshiped Mahakal and then whispered his vow in Nandi's ear. After his visit he also spoke to news agency ANI and shared his spiritual experience during Mahakal. Veer Pahadia said- 'It was very nice to visit the Mahakaleshwar temple. Last night at around 3:30 I felt as if Baba was calling me. That's why I have come to the temple today. What could be bigger than getting his blessings before my biggest day.
Sky Force is releasing on 24th January
Veer Paharia's first film 'Sky Force' is going to be released on January 24. Directed by Abhishek, Anil Kapoor and Sandeep Kewali, the film is based on true events of the 1965 India-Pakistan war, focusing on India's retaliatory strike on Pakistan's Sargodha airbase. Pahadia plays the role of war hero Squadron Leader Ajjamada Boppaya Devayya in the film.
Special screening of Sky Force
On Tuesday, ahead of the film's release, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh attended a special screening of Sky Force along with Akshay Kumar, Veer Pahadia and Chief of Defense Staff General Anil Chauhan, who also watched the film. Apart from Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahadia, Nimrat Kaur and Sara Ali Khan will also be seen in Sky Force.
Image Credit: India_Tv.