There was a sudden eviction in Bigg Boss 18 on Friday. In this eviction, Digvijay Singh Rathi has been thrown out of the house. Digvijay Singh Rathi got a place in the top-5 on the basis of voting. But due to Time God's task and eviction methods, Digvijay has been shown the way out. Chahat Pandey cried bitterly on the eviction of Digvijay Singh.
Digvijay was in top-5 on the basis of voting
Let us tell you that Digvijay Singh has a fan following outside the house. Digvijay got a place in the top-5 in the show on the basis of voting. But the family members have shown the way out to Digvijay Singh due to the task. Actually, the task of Time God was done recently. In which Shrutika was made the new time god of the house. Meanwhile, the time of eviction came in the show and Shrutika was given the task of nominating people. In this task, Digvijay Singh was voted for eviction the most by the housemates. Despite being in the top-5 on the basis of voting, Digvijay Singh has been shown the way out.
There will be a blast in the weekend war
Now weekend war is going to happen in Bigg Boss-18 on Saturday. Salman Khan is going to be seen once again on the stage of Bigg Boss. Now very few people are left in the house. Till now many people have been evicted. Earlier Tejinder Singh Bagga was thrown out of the house. Now today on Friday, Digvijay Singh Rathi has also gone out of the house. Now it has to be seen whose class Salman Khan is going to introduce on Weekend Ka Vaar.
Image Credit: India_Tv.