Varun Dhawan's much awaited film 'Baby John' has finally been released in theaters on 25th December on the occasion of Christmas. In this commercial action film, Keerthy Suresh, Vamika Gabbi, Jackie Shroff and Rajpal Yadav were seen creating a stir on the screen. After the climax, Bollywood superstar Salman Khan's cameo remained in the limelight. Now, the first day collection report of 'Baby John' has come out. Varun Dhawan's film took a slow start at the box office on the opening day. Whereas 'Pushpa 2: The Rule' earned Rs 19.75 crore on its 21st day and Kannada film 'Max' collected Rs 10 crore on its first day.
baby john first day collection
Christmas Day has been a mixed bag for 'Baby John' at the box office. The film did not perform well on the first day. According to a report by Sacknilk, Baby John earned Rs 12.5 crore on its first day. In such a situation, even on the occasion of holidays, Varun Dhawan's action film failed to leave behind Allu Arjun's 'Pushpa 2: The Rule', which made a splash by doing business of Rs 19.75 crore on its 21st day in theatres. Apart from 'Pushpa 2', 'Mufasa' is also busy in making tremendous collections.
Baby John's box office performance
'Baby John', the remake of Atlee's 2016 Tamil hit 'Theri', is receiving mixed reviews from the audience. It will be interesting to see how 'Baby John' performs at the box office in the opening weekend. The film starring Varun Dhawan is produced by Atlee and Priya Atlee, Murad Khetani and Jyoti Deshpande under their banners A for Apple Studios, Cine1 Studios and Jio Studios. Along with the Christmas screenings of 'Pushpa 2' and 'Mufasa', Kannada action thriller 'Max' starring Kiccha Sudeep also dominated the box office.
Baby John Day 1 Hindi (2D) Cinema Occupancy
The total Hindi occupancy of Baby John on Wednesday, December 25, 2024 was 24.97%.
- Morning shows: 13.92%
- Afternoon Show: 28.77%
- Evening shows: 30.89%
- Night shows: 26.28%
Image Credit: India_Tv.