Bigg Boss 18 contestant Avinash Mishra is making a lot of headlines these days due to his aggression. Recently Kashish Kapoor revealed that Avinash had approached him for a fake love angle. During the nomination task, Kashish told that Avinash had asked him to make a love triangle with Isha and him. Kashish claimed that Avinash had said that the audience would like this flavor very much. Avinash had a lot of argument with Kashish over his revelations and now he has even vandalized the house in aggression.
Isha questions Avinash on Kashish's revelations
Actually, Isha Singh questions Avinash about what Kashish said, after which an argument takes place between her and Avinash. Isha leaves the conversation and comes to the kitchen area and Avinash gets furious. Avinash says that Isha is not ready to understand his point. He gets angry and throws the bottle in his hand and Isha is shocked to see this.
Avinash angry at Isha
Avinash does not stop here, he also starts throwing chairs and shouting loudly. According to Avinash, whenever he tries to give clarification to Isha, she does not listen to him. Avinash gets so angry at this that he starts throwing things here and there. Seeing Avinash getting angry like this at midnight, all the family members also come to the hall and are surprised to see the actor doing this.
Avinash became the target of trolls
Now it remains to be seen how superstar and Bigg Boss host Salman Khan reacts to this aggression of Avinash and what punishment Bigg Boss gives him. On the other hand, after Kashish Kapoor's revelations, Avinash has become the target of trolls. Someone is calling his love angle with Isha fake while someone is saying that Avinash's aggression is also false.
Image Credit: India_Tv.