The viewers of the most popular reality show 'Bigg Boss 18' are now waiting for the winner of this season. One of the many promising contestants in the show is model and actress Chum Darang from Arunachal Pradesh, whose game plan is being liked by the people very much. Chum has remained in the house since day one due to her explosive game play and has made it to the top 9. Recently, Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu expressed hope for his victory in the show and asked him to support him. The actress herself has posted this information on her social media, after which she has remained in the news.
CM Pema Khandu supported Chum Darang
Known for his leadership and dedication for the development of Arunachal Pradesh, CM Pema Khandu has always supported the youth of the state. Now the Chief Minister has shown his support and love for Chum Darang, a rising star of the entertainment industry. Sharing the post on Twitter, CM Pema Khandu wrote, 'I am happy to know that Arunachal Pradesh's daughter Pasighat Chum Darang has reached the top 9 of the reality show #BiggBoss18. Everyone should show their love and support for them. Don't forget to vote for Chum. I hope she becomes a winner and achieves great success in the years to come. My best wishes to Chum Darang.
Chum Darang reacted
On this, the team of Chum Darang also thanked them on social media for their encouragement and support. Wrote, 'We express our heartfelt gratitude to you for your unwavering support for Chum Darang. His wonderful journey in the Bigg Boss house has made every Arunachal and the entire North East India extremely proud. His achievements are increasing the prestige of our state.
Who is Chum Darang?
Known for her modeling and Arunachali music videos, Chum Darang first came into limelight when she was crowned Miss AAPSU in 2010. She represented India in prestigious events like Miss Earth India in 2016 and Miss Asia World in 2017. Chum is also known for her role in the film 'Badhaai Do', for which she received much appreciation. Now, she is making waves in 'Bigg Boss 18'.
Image Credit: India_Tv.