Hyderabad Police on Tuesday questioned 'Pushpa 2' actor Allu Arjun in connection with the stampede that broke out during the screening of the film 'Pushpa 2' at Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad on December 4. After three hours of interrogation, the actor left for his home. Action is going on against Allu Arjun in this entire matter. Not only this, action has also been taken against the bouncer of the film star. It is believed that this stampede is the result of his own bad behaviour. Now he has also been arrested in this case. It is being told that this arrest had taken place the previous day itself.
Allu Arjun's bouncer arrested
Hyderabad Police has arrested Anthony, the chief bouncer who accompanied Allu Arjun in the stampede incident at Sandhya Theatre. Anthony was arrested by Chikkadapally police yesterday. He has played an important role in everything from providing bouncers to celebrities to organizing those bouncers. Police can bring Anthony there today for scene reconstruction related to the stampede incident at Sandhya Theatre. Police believe that Anthony's behavior was the main reason behind the rampage. Police said the bouncers guarding Allu Arjun pushed the crowd here and there, resulting in a stampede. That is why the police arrested Anthony, who played the role of organizer of those bouncers, and he was also interrogated on Tuesday.
Allu Arjun returned home
Actor Allu Arjun has now returned home after being interrogated at Chikkadpally police station in Hyderabad. A video of the actor coming out of the police station has also surfaced. In the video, he can be seen returning in a black car. This interrogation of the actor lasted for about three hours.
what is the whole matter
Let us tell you, on December 4, Allu Arjun had reached Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad with his family and his co-actress Rashmika Mandanna. The actor's aim was to celebrate the release of the film with the audience, but a stampede broke out in which a woman died and the same woman's 8-year-old child suffered serious injuries. The child was admitted to the hospital in critical condition. Police action is continuing in this matter. An atmosphere of tension is also being seen between the Telangana government and Allu Arjun.
Image Credit: India_Tv.