Are Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli back in India after spending time with their kids in England? This is the only question among Virushka's fans these days and the reason for this is the posts of the star couple. These days, Chhath festival is celebrated all over the country and Anushka has also wished her fans on this special occasion. The actress has posted a special picture of Juhu Beach in Mumbai on social media and along with it has congratulated the fans on Chhath Puja. After seeing this post of the actress, her fans are eager to know whether she has returned to India after spending time in England?
Anushka congratulated fans on Chhath festival
Anushka Sharma shared a picture of Chhath Puja happening at Juhu Beach on Instagram and congratulated the fans on this special festival. While sharing the photo, he wrote in the caption – 'Happy Chhath Puja.' However, this has given rise to speculations that the actress may be in Mumbai, although it is not clear whether she has shared an old or recent picture, but the actress' fans have definitely become happy.
Anushka was in London with husband Virat
Actually, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli have been living in London ever since Anushka was about to become the mother of their son Akay. Even after the birth of Akay, Anushka is rarely seen in India. Some reports also claim that the couple is now planning to settle in London. However, till now no reaction has been given by Virat-Anushka on these news.
Anushka Sharma's post
Anushka has not appeared in any film for 6 years
On the other hand, Anushka Sharma has not been seen in any film for a long time. Due to Anushka's continuous absence from Bollywood events and films, there is speculation that she has shifted to London with husband Virat. Last year, the actress had said that she did not want to do too many films anymore and instead wanted to spend time with her family. Virat Kohli has often expressed that he likes to spend time with his family in London where his privacy is not affected much.
Image Credit: India_Tv.