Shahenshah of Bollywood Amitabh Bachchan presented the ANR National Award to Telugu megastar Chiranjeevi at a grand ceremony in Hyderabad on Monday. Speaking on the occasion, Big B said that he can now call himself a 'member of the Telugu film industry'. He also paid tribute to veteran Telugu actor-producer Akkineni Nageswara Rao (1923-2014), in whose honor the ANR National Award was instituted by the Akkineni International Foundation. Meanwhile, a video of Amitabh Bachchan touching the feet of Chiranjeevi's mother has surfaced which is in discussion among the people.
Amitabh Bachchan touched Chiranjeevi's mother's feet
Veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan took blessings from Chiranjeevi's mother at the star-studded ANR Awards ceremony. The superstar reached Hyderabad on Monday evening and joined the Telugu film industry at the grand event. In the video that surfaced online, Chiranjeevi and Nagarjuna took Amitabh to the event where they introduced the actor to Chiranjeevi's mother before making him sit on the seat. In the video, Big B politely greeted him with folded hands and also touched his feet. This heart touching moment was captured in the camera. Chiranjeevi was seen smiling after seeing Chiranjeevi's mother talking to Amitabh.
Check out the video here:
Big B honored Chiranjeevi
Amitabh also met many other Telugu stars. As soon as he entered the programme, Nagarjuna was seen touching his feet and taking his blessings. On stage, Naga Chaitanya also greeted Big B by touching his feet. He was also accompanied by his future wife Shobhita Dhulipala. The veteran actor expressed his happiness at being a part of the event. Amitabh Bachchan presented the ANR award to Chiranjeevi. Sharing some pictures from the ceremony on Many thanks to Nag for this and Chiranjeevi, it is a great honor for me to present you with the ANR Award.
Big B praised Nagarjuna
Amitabh Bachchan also shared lines from a poem by his father Harivansh Rai Bachchan. Said, 'My son, just because you are my son does not mean that you will be my heir. Those who are my successors will be my sons. The veteran actor said, 'Naag, you and your family have proved that you are the true heirs of this great personality.'
Image Credit: India_Tv.