'Mirzapur The Film' has been announced. Farhan Akhtar has finally confirmed long standing speculations on Instagram by revealing that a film is being made on Mirzapur. Filmmaker who also co-produces the series. He shared a video, in which the ghosts of Pankaj Tripathi, Ali Fazal and Divyendu can be seen. The announcement of the film has also been made in complete Mirzapur style. He revealed that the magic of the small screen will now extend to the big screen as well. There is going to be a tremendous change in the USP of 'Mirzapur the Film'.
mirzapur the movie bhaukaal
Months after the release of web series Mirzapur Season 3, the makers have now announced 'Mirzapur The Film'. On Monday, Prime Video India created a stir on social media by sharing a video based on Pankaj Tripathi, Ali Fazal, Abhishek Banerjee and Divyendu. The more than 2-minute long video also hints at the return of Divyendu, who played the character of Munna Tripathi in the web series. His character was killed off in the second season and was not seen again in the third. This time we are going to see a dangerous war between Guddu Pandit and Munna Bhaiya for the throne of Mirzapur.
There will be war for the throne of Mirzapur
Apart from Pankaj Tripathi, Ali Fazal, Abhishek Banerjee and Divyendu, no information has been given yet about any artist in the film. However, it looks like the old cast may reprise their roles. Earlier there were rumors that Hrithik Roshan might play the role of Kaalin Bhaiya. However, no confirmation has been made yet from the manufacturers regarding this. Excel Entertainment Production released the first season of the crime thriller in November 2018 and the second season in October 2020. The third season of the show was released in July 2024.
about mirzapur movie
Produced by Punit Krishna and directed by Gurmeet Singh, the film Mirzapur is scheduled to release in 2026. It will see the return of Pankaj (Kaalin Bhaiya), Ali Fazal (Guddu Pandit) and Divyendu (Munna), along with Abhishek Banerjee, who appeared in the role of a compounder in the series.
Image Credit: India_Tv.