Another South Superstar Allu Arjun's film is making huge profits, on the other hand the actor is currently embroiled in the Sandhya theater stampede case. On Tuesday, he was called to Chikkadpally station for questioning. Earlier, Allu Arjun himself had also given a press conference, where he declared himself innocent and said that his name is being maligned in this case. In the stampede case, Allu Arjun, his family and the team of Pushpa 2 are in constant touch with the victim's family and are taking care of 9-year-old Sritej who is admitted in the hospital. In this sequence, now Allu Arjun's father Allu Arvind has made a big announcement on Wednesday. Let us tell you, this plan was revealed two days ago in a report of India TV.
Financial assistance of Rs 2 crore to the family
Allu Aravind has announced that the producer and team of the film 'Pushpa 2' have come together to help the victim's family and have announced a donation of Rs 2 crore. Allu Aravind said that the entire team of 'Pushpa 2' is with the victim's family and is ready to provide all possible help. In this sequence, Rs 2 crore will be given to 9 year old Shritej who was injured outside Sandhya Theatre. Out of this, Rs 1 crore is being given by Allu Arjun. At the same time, Rs 50 lakh each will be given by the producers and directors of 'Pushpa 2'. By creating Shritej Trust, the child will be helped further.
The condition of the victim is stable
Talking about Shritej, he is currently on ventilator and is undergoing treatment at KIMS hospital. 8-year-old Shretej's mother Revathi died in the Hyderabad stampede on December 4. Talking about Allu Arjun, recently the police had questioned him in this matter. According to the police, Allu Arjun cooperated in the investigation and if needed, he can be called for questioning in future also.
Pushpa 2 Collection
Even after 21 days of release, Allu Arjun's film is making many records and breaking old ones at the box office. The film earned Rs 11.05 crore on Tuesday and with this its domestic collection has reached Rs 1101.15 crore. According to Saknilak, its worldwide collection has crossed Rs 1500 crore. Apart from Arjun, the film also stars Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Faasil in lead roles.
Image Credit: India_Tv.